Here are some poems, composed by a puppet,

some are my own and some of them not.

You can like one, or quite like them all,

or simply not like them a hell of a lot.


Tuesday 31 January 2012


The acrid fragrance of your stain-coated jacket and
the poorly-kept perennial imperial point
you out.

Indicating to polite company
that you would not be found easily

To be shut out,
kept away from the top table.
Not allowed to enter into any hallowed home.

the badge you wear on your flat cap
telling those you meet that you'd want them
"OUT ON N30", indicates, to me at least,
that you possess something of a sense of
solidarity, with others if not yourself.

So try to continue to keep you head above
the deep, dark, murky waters
where at least you may
find a measure of acceptance
with those who share
your taste in swimwear.

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